Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Oven Keeps the House Warm

So, in my family's new little home- the heaters are something we don't want to start running until we absolutely have to. To keep warm- I bake! I've been making more oven baked pasta dinners, been baking cookies, muffins, cakes, etc for snacks for the kids, and of course baking those weekend pizzas. I can't believe how much it warms the house up and KEEPS it warm when only on for 40 minutes or so!

Anyway- I just listed a couple of things on my etsy shop that will promote having the oven on this cold holiday season!

A Happy Thanksgiving Wood Tray to hold those yummy pumpkin pie desserts!

A Christmas cookie jar to hold all those decorated cookies!

A recipe book of cookies to fill that cookie jar!


  1. great stuff!! love that cookie jar especially! :)

  2. aww what a cute cookie jar!
    wow, if only i can come over and grab some of those cookies... *stomach growls*
